We are excited to announce that The Biographers’ Club has become an associate of the independent bookseller John Sandoe. We feel it is so important to support independent booksellers and we hope to build a strong long-lasting relationship with John Sandoe bookseller. Through the John Sandoe website below you will be able to purchase some of the books featured at our events.
And here is the page where all Biographers’ Club books will be adde

About John Sadoe Book shop
John Sandoe founded the shop in 1957: according to a customer who knew the shop in its infancy, it began with three planks laid on bricks on which were laid out “all the books one could ever hope to find in one place”. More books and more shelves followed, more floors and an expanding shop front too, but the original ethos remains the same.
Sandoe’s today is a general book shop with a bias towards the humanities – fiction, history, biography, poetry, art, architecture, decorative arts, music, theatre, cinema, photography, fashion, natural history, gardening, travel, cookery, science, reference, and an excellent children’s department.
We are on three floors of three adjoining – and small – eighteenth century shops, with gorgeous window boxes spilling down from the first floor. Books are crammed in everywhere, piled on tables and even on the stairs. No surface escapes its burden, except a few chairs and window seats. The somewhat old-fashioned and picturesque appearance is finely balanced with 21st century digital technology.
As well as regular local customers and visitors from abroad, we have a loyal clientele in the United Kingdom, Europe and around the world who receive our quarterly lists of recommended new titles. (See Browse Catalogues) We also have lively programme of events – talks by authors and book launches. (See Events) We have 5 full-time and 5 part-time staff to serve our customers. Orders may be placed by telephone or email, or via the website. We will try to find any book, even if out of print.