Four’s a Crowd? The onward march of group biography

Date and time: Wednesday 17 April, 6.30pm
Venue: Hatchards, 187 Piccadilly, St. James’s, London W1J 9LE
Booking: Through Eventbrite. See here

The Biographers’ Club and Hatchards present three writers who have recently published group biographies to discuss the opportunities and pitfalls of this genre. 

What are the challenges of writing a group biography?  What are the advantages?  Does the theme of the biography threaten to eclipse the stories of individuals?  How can you ensure balance when some subjects have a rich store of life material and others do not?  How do you ensure that the group biography is an organic whole and not a collection of short biographical sketches?

To tease out these questions and many more we have Jad Adams, author of DECADENT WOMEN: YELLOW BOOK LIVES (Reaktion); Harriet Baker, author of RURAL LIVES (Penguin Allen Lane), and Leah Broad, author of QUARTET: HOW FOUR WOMEN CHANGED THE MUSICAL WORLD (Faber).


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